"Alien Domicile" verses "Beyond Skyline"

Recently, I did a post on another Science Fiction movie "Revolt" and was pleased with what it had to show, yet just recently I noticed two films about alien invasions at the box and rather try to write multiple post of the same movie genre, I decided to put them head to head to see who would come out on top for the most Green Mountain Stars (G.M.Stars). Up first is "Alien Domicile". In the film, Hanna (Elly Brown) is a D.O.D. who wakes to find herself in a lower level room of a base in Nevada (believed to be Area 51) with no memory as to how she got there and with three other strangers, Lt. Gail Sullivan (Sabrina Cofield) of the U.S. Air Force, Dimitri (Eduard Osipov) a technician, and Russell Turner (Michael Monterio) a Government worker who all seem to be suffering a lapse of time and memory. Unbeknownst to them, a special forces team led by M.S. Ryan Pierce (Michael A. Tushaus) to take out an unknown enemy. When the two collide, it becomes clear t...