"Avengers: Endgame"

Well it's finally here. The conclusion to the Avengers and possibly the dawn of a new era of Marvel films along with some farewells. Now if you haven't been fortunate enough to see this film opening week I suggest a serious reader discretion for there will be a few facts given away with borderline spoiler. Anyway, last Avenger film got a special six shining star, so we'll see how this measures up. Starting off less than a month after Thanos (Josh Brolin) snaps his fingers taking out half the universe, we find the remaining Avengers in a place many of them have never been before, in the shadow of defeat. Determined not to take the loss lying down and having a new ally joining them and bringing Tony home in the form of Captain Marvel (Brie Larson) (who those who saw the post credit scene in her movie know that Nick Fury's (Samuel L. Jackson) beeper did reach her before he vanished.) Tracking down Thanos on an isolated planet, they learn that he did the unthinkable, ...