"Caller ID Entity"
Have you ever wondered how much control of technology we really have? We've all heard of how our phones cut us off from the world around us and how we never talk face to face anymore with social media being our go to source. We've only begun to tap the potential for how technology in our society can influence our lives, but would happen if that technology began to influence us?
Miles (James Duval), Noah (Nathan Bexton) and Dale (Denny Kirkwood) are three college graduate students that think nothing about it when they accept a professor's offer to work on a confidential research project. Just another part of this psychopathology class that could make a great impact for their future careers. All they have to do is help in the development of these new devices designed to record and analyze the human brain wave and test it on a few volunteer subjects, simple enough, at least at first.
It isn't long until they learn that their professor has a hidden agenda of his own with this project and that his female test subjects don't survive the testing. It only makes matters worse when they begin to realize that they may be part of the experiment, a part that can have deadly consequences.
Paranoid to the point of belief. This account inspired by phone messages and testimonies of victims who claim to have been used by such mind-controlling technology gives a sense of realistic fear and dread that our minds can be controlled by technology that can be held in the palm of your hand and those who influence it can take our control over our free will. While the concept was terrifying, the lack of suspense and jumps to different characters and parts of the story make it difficult to follow. Whether or not it was intended to add to the confusion, it didn't influence my mind to give it anymore than a two and a half G.M.Star rating. I wouldn't say don't bother with this piece, but be prepared to have your mind be thrown for a loop.
Green Mountain Stars
"Caller ID Entity" is currently available at Redbox and where movies are sold/streamed.
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