"Sgt. Stubby: An American Hero"
Animals and man have been working together since early man domesticated the wild wolves to become man's best friend. Since then, birds have delivered messages, cats have eliminated disease-ridden vermin and dogs work along side our men and women in uniform, yet there is one dog that still outranks them all and is still the most decorated dog to date, Sgt. Stubby.
Taking place in Connecticut when America is about to take their stand in Europe against the Germans, a recruit named Robert Conroy (Logan Lerman) makes an unlikely friendship when a stray dog wanders onto their training grounds and bonds with him. Narrated throughout this story by his sister Margaret (Helena Bonham Carter) from the letters he wrote, it tells the story of how this dog would go from a loveable mascot to an Army hero as he follows Conroy along with his fellow soldiers/friends Olson (Jordan Beck), German-American Schroeder (Jim Pharr) and a French soldier that they come to befriend during their tour in France, Gaston Baptiste (GĂ©rard Depardieu). Together, they will endure the hardships of war from the dangerous battlefield to facing the enemy and their deadly mustard gas and will show that a dog can be brave, loyal and have the heart of a true soldier.
Beautifully portrayed and will capture your heart. This true underdog story will amaze you as it tells you how far one dog's courage and loyalty will take him and the lengths he took to become a true American Hero. A family film that touches on a tough topic in history and portrays it in a way that is honest yet gently making it appropriate for all to watch and earning five G.M.Stars to be worn proudly.
Green Mountain Stars
"Sgt. Stubby: An American Hero" is currently available at Redbox and available where movies are sold/streamed.
*Stay tuned during the credits to see photos of the real life Sgt. Stubby.
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