"Paul, Apostle of Christ"
We've heard their names in bible school, but never were told their stories as to how they lived. Paul is among those many names we've heard in church but know very little about, until now.
Once known as Saul and for his persecution of Christians, Paul (James Faulkner) saw God's light and converted to Christianity spreading the word of God in a time where the Roman Empire reigned supreme. Now an old man, Paul has been imprisoned for his preaching and sentenced to death by Emperor Nero because of his potential threat to the empire.
As he awaits his execution, Christians hide in fear for being killed for their beliefs and look for a way to leave Rome to avoid persecution that has been witnessed by so many. Until then, Luke (Jim Caviezel) visits Paul in prison to write down the Acts of the Apostles that the church will come to follow as Paul's last words which catches the interest of prison prefect Maritius Gallas (Oliver Martinez) who is curious as to how one man can have such a profound affect on so many people and leads him to see that there may be more to Paul and the Christians than he has perceived.
A cinematic portrayal of retribution, insight and forgiveness. Seeing the impact of religious persecution and the unwavering faith of a man who knew it would lead to a bleak fate gives strength in the faith of God and humanity and how no one is incapable of redemption. A five G.M.Star performance capturing a point in religious history that set the stage for other apostles to come.
"Paul, Apostle of Christ" is available at Redbox, On Demand and where DVD's are sold.
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