"Bad Apples" One Ruins the Bunch, Two Kill The Whole Tree
Most kids are naturally good deep down, but every now and again, one (or in this case two) come around that just seem to have a wicked streak in them that seems to grow until there comes a moment where they reach their peak of evil
In a small town one Halloween, two twin sisters born on Halloween under bloody circumstances as possibly the origin to their evil dawn mask and homemade Halloween costumes and decide to turn Trick or Treat into Trick and Terror as they go through the neighborhood killing those who don't come to the door with treats.
During this time Jane Black (Brea Grant) the new teacher at a middle school and her R.N. husband (Graham Skipper) have moved into the neighborhood from L.A. hoping to make a fresh start, but when he leaves for his shift, Jane is left alone in a strange new house, until someone comes knocking on the door. Not willing to go down easy, she fights back at her juvenile intruders and barricades herself upstairs as she tries to formulate a plan of escape. Realizing there is no rhyme or reason to their murderous tendencies, Jane must prepare to go down fighting if she hopes to live through the night.
A creepy origin to an urban legend. This film had all the vibes of horror story that will be told around the glow of a jack o' lantern come this Halloween. The terror of the unknown as to their motives even their identity as they silently slice and dice their victims make these two look like the offspring of Michael Myers and just as chilling, worthy enough for four G.M.Stars. It would have been five if someone didn't axe it.
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