"Made In Vermont"

Most films made about Vermont often try to portray the Green Mountain State as a place known for its snow and nothing but forest for miles with fictional towns like Pine Tree, Vermont or Spurbury (as if we didn't have enough places that ended in "bury" already) and often don't capture much of the real Vermont. Now thanks to a independent group of filmmakers that trend has finally been broken. Roger Witherspoon (Roger Strauss) a once famous playwright know for his play "Dickhead" has not had much success since then and now teaches drama to children and is in no hurry to jump into another project when he gets a call from a former student Tyler (Tyler Gillen) about joining a group of aspiring filmmakers, but when he hears his old flame Melanie Shepard, now Melanie Flanagan (Noni Stuart) suggested him, he decides to give the opportunity to win the Golden Gizzard in Chickenparts, Oklahoma (yes, that's right) a chance. Yet Roger soon finds that this col...